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Saturday, May 08, 2021 at 1:27 pm

SU Graduates Experiencing Hiring Backlog

By Tyler O’Neill

SYRACUSE, N.Y. – The Syracuse University class of 2020 graduated one year ago, but many are still looking for their first job. Even as the country begins to open up, some recent graduates are dealing with a hiring backlog.

2020 graduate Allegra Craver says getting a job now seems more difficult than ever before.

“It is more competitive than it is usual is because you have a backlog of people who didn’t get a job or didn’t get an interview,” said Craver, 

Craver applied to over 150 job openings in the past year. The director of the Newhouse Career Development Center, Kelly Barnett, says applying to jobs can be disheartening.

“Finding a job is always going to be a disheartening process, it stinks that way, you will always get more noes than yeses and something that is such a new process to you that’s the worst case scenario,” said Barnett. 

Craver says constantly applying to jobs has taken a toll on her mental health.

“I hope that things open up really soon, I really do, because I still know a lot of people who do not have jobs,” said Craver

2020 alumni will continue to look for jobs, but they are hopeful that as the country opens up, they will have more opportunities.