Syracuse Repaves Off-Campus Roads
By Ilana Epstein
SYRACUSE, N.Y. — 100 million dollars is being spent for the repaving of streets in New York. 7 million dollars is going towards streets in Syracuse which are being repaved for the first time in years. One of these streets is Clarendon Street, a 7-minute walk from the school, which many Syracuse University juniors and seniors live on.
The repavement, which should only take two days, is already underway. Many students believe that this repavement will be a positive thing, however, the process is causing issues with parking. Syracuse senior Daria Latvis says that she and her roommates don’t have enough room in their driveway for parking, so they park on the street. “It caused a lot of issues,” she said.
The streets in Syracuse are old, and students are looking forward to the new look. Many students have said that they are happy to see that the city is making improvements.
Clarendon Street is one of the few places in Syracuse that still has brick. It has been announced that the brick will not be redone, which many students believe is a positive. Daria Latvis says that “the brick adds a nice aesthetic.” Many students believe that changes like this are for the better, and don’t mind the minor inconvenience. Syracuse University junior, Dan Wehrle, says that though the hill can be a bit challenging in the winter, the overall look of the brick is worth it.”
Overall many Clarendon Street residents are excited to see streets across Syracuse be repaved.