First Flu Shot Clinic Opens Today on Campus
By Nicole Aponte
SYRACUSE, N.Y. – Flu season is just around the corner, which prompted the Barnes Center at the Arch to begin administering flu vaccinations right here on campus. Starting on Friday, October 1st, the Barnes Center opened its doors to a vaccination clinic for students, faculty, and staff.
The vaccine is available just a walk from students dorms this year. “It will just make it easier for people to stay safe and be healthy where health is at the forefront, SU Freshman Stevie Chuck said. Freshman Kennedy Peterson agrees. “Since it’s in a location where students are already at, students don’t have to make time to go out of their way to get the vaccination.”
The goal of the vaccination clinic is to make the shot readily available for students. “We just want to have it early and available for students who don’t have access to off-campus pharmacies,” Syracuse University’s Medical Officer Dr. Karen Nardella said.
Last year, the University offered the vaccination clinic at the Carrier Dome, but Dr. Nardella and her team made the clinic at the Barnes Center to attract more students. “We just figured out with the numbers, that if we do this clinic, plus some other ones, plus using the pharmacy on a daily basis that we could accomplish the same thing in a much more comfortable setting.”
Upon entrance to the clinic, students must have their Syracuse University Identification, the flu shot consent form, and their health insurance card.
The flu vaccine is mandated by the University, unless a member of the Syracuse University community has a religious or medical exemption. To upload proof of vaccination or the exemption form, the students can upload documentation to the student patient portal. The University plans on holding more flu vaccination clinics throughout the month of October.